Bardun - Contacts & Notes app

Feature rich contacts app for power users who care about Privacy.
Win over the people you want to influence with Bardun.

How can I improve my relationships?

Never forget names of people you've met.

Remember details about your contacts.

Add photos to notes or contacts.

View or Search all notes about your contacts.

See notes sorted by time.

Set reminders for notes.

View and Search notes

How can I add details for a contact?

Add custom events, addresses, emails and phone numbers.

Create notes with linked contacts.

Bardun auto-completes contact names for fast typing of notes.

Add multiple contacts in one note.

Voice enabled note taking.

Add note

How can I quickly add contacts?

Import all your Phone and Google contacts automatically.

Import contacts from recent Google calendar invitations from your work account.

Private Contacts can be added directly in Bardun.

Import phone contacts

How is my data private and secure?

Contact and Note information is stored locally on your phone not on our servers.

Enable FaceId on your phone for added protection.

Privacy is in our DNA

Get started now!